We live in a time of continual conversation…constant talking…perpetual noise.
The same news stories are repeated several times an hour by multiple news sources, each telling their own versions of everything from celebrity gossip and political drama to trade embargoes and tips for holiday shopping. The lines between fact and opinion are getting as blurry as the bottom line of letters at your last eye exam, and the more that time passes, the more the volume seems to be increasing.
A lot conversations being had. A lot of different voices leading them.

And here’s the thing about these conversations and the voices that are leading them: Not every voice we’re hearing is worth listening to, and not every voice worth listening to are we currently hearing.
Good conversations are, indeed, happening. They’re just not always easy to find. They’re happening in the public arena and in the private sector, at schools, churches, town halls, coffee shops, and dinner tables. They’re happening on podcasts and in Zoom calls. They’re being led by people for whom virtue is still an essential cornerstone to our society and for whom God is still infinitely relevant. Good conversations are being led by people with and without platforms…on all sides of political aisles and even among people whose opinions differ on almost every topic.
There are good conversations being led by people who didn’t ask to lead, but simply stepped up when they saw foundations around them begin to crumble. There are others being led by people who find more wisdom in questions than in answers. And still others are being led by people who believe that the Truth is always worth speaking aloud.
But not every conversation is worth listening to.
The measure of a good conversation, after all, isn’t as simple as the topic that’s trending or the platform from which it is discussed. It reaches beyond political allegiance or personal charisma. It’s bigger than the volume of a voice or the popularity of an opinion.
So how do you measure the quality of a conversation?
Is it based solely in whether the convictions of the facilitator align with yours or is it measured by the difference it makes in culture or in the minds of others?

Good conversation, ultimately, is measured by the Truth and virtue that is steering it. It’s measured by the fruit it produces. It’s even measured by your level of comfort when the conversation is over, by the action it calls you to, and by the passion and pursuit it ignites within you.
Looking Ahead at Better Conversations
As we continue our effort to save the classroom so we can save the country, Education America is continuing to lead better conversations about learning and education in our country. We’re beginning to look more at the 2022 election cycle, its implications on our state’s — and nation’s — education system, and the kinds of conversations and legislative efforts we should be thinking about to see the right kinds of changes take shape. We are taking seriously our opportunity on the show to invite candidates into good conversations not just about where we’ve been, but about where we need to be going next.
Recently, we sat down with Minnesota Republican gubernatorial candidate Michelle Benson to discuss the state of education in Minnesota and the efforts on both sides of the political aisle to forge a path forward. As conversations swirl around issues like school choice and curriculum philosophies, Benson is seeking to bring a refreshing clarity to the discussion she’s leading. She’s working to simplify the conversation and keep it focused on the actual topic — without letting distractions take over and without letting budgets and agendas dictate our definition of good, true, and right.
You can listen to gubernatorial candidate Michelle Benson here. And you can join us on Education America every Saturday evening from 6:00 – 6:30 PM on
AM 1280 The Patriot | FM 107.5 or anytime here at savetheclassroom.com.
It’s a conversation worth hearing….a conversation worth having…and a conversation worth joining.